This project started when God introduced William (Bill) Mays to Max Clement at the First Baptist Church of Danville in Kilgore, Texas around the year 2000. It would take another 6 years before these two men would realize that God had a plan for them that would require their very best effort, test the limits of their skills, and dominate the rest of their days. God set Bill on a path to develop tools for the church to reach the lost and dying for Christ more than 60 years ago. As a retired NASA contractor, manager, and engineer God specifically equipped him for this work and he has made great strides over the years. Bill developed outreach tools for churches, missions, ministries, church associations, and Christian schools, to name a few. He also developed Christian Video and Media products, over 200 Christian Games, and a vast Christian training library. However, technology was rapidly outpacing Bill's ability to keep up...


While Bill was hard at work in the cause for Christ, Max Clement was the prodigal son living the high life of secular society in corporate America. It was here that God provided Max with the skills that he would need for the work He had for him with Bill. However, like so many before him, Max had to be broken before God could use him. When the time came God was faithful to do just that and now Max is a walking, talking example of how far God’s love will go for one of His own. On the other side of this desert God showed Max the work He had for him with Bill and together they have been plowing this field ever since. With the addition of Max to this project, all of Bill's work, over the years, was now able to be converted for the Cloud and the next step in technology. However, the enormity of this project is mind boggling and without God’s help, impossible. To this day, you can find Bill and Max working side-by-side to deliver this project to those advancing Christ, who desperately need it.


What started out as a simple database turned into an online platform that would challenge the programming skills God had developed in Max over the years. At God’s direction, Bill and Max wanted functions that many programmers said were not possible. However, this did not stop them from developing the functions anyway. The setbacks and challenges have been many, and the goal post have been illusive, but the resolve is steadfast in God’s perfect timing.


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