The underlining principle behind this Cloud Platform is described below:
The Home Page Screen will allow any of the following Organizations to register for Platform access:
1. Church
2. Mission
3. Church Association
4. Higher Level Christian Education
5. Christian Ministry
Once an Organization selection is made; the Person registering their Organization must use an Email account unique to the Organization and used for Organization business ( If your Organization does not have a qualified Email account or it's own Email service you can get a new Email account from Google, Outlook, or Yahoo for this purpose.
The person registering must then appoint themselves or someone else as the Organization Administrator. The new Adiminstrator must have access to the Organization's Email account used to register.
The assigned Organization Administrator will then be allowed to log-In, perform Administrative functions, reassign the Organization Administrator (If desired), appoint one or more Staff Monitors, and finally assign oneself or someone else to be one or more of the various organization Function Administrators, with E-mail and password.
The Organization Administrator will also be able to perform any self assigned Function or Support Personnel Duties.
Each appointed Function Administrator will receive an E-Mail with password, and then He or She will be able to log-in, perform assigned duties, and appoint needed Support Personnel, with E-mail and password.
Each Support Person will in turn log-in and perform their assigned duties.
Passwords for Support Personnel may be changed by their “up the chain” Function Administrator. Passwords for Administrators may be changed by the Organization Administrator.
The underlining principle behind this Computer Cloud Program for Missions and Churches is that every Mission and Church will:
1. Assimilate each of their Church Members into the Church via an active Discipleship program, Job assignments, Training and Mentoring.
2. Teach, or have each Church Member self teach themselves via the Cloud Training module via the following Courses:
a. Abiding in Christ
b. Spiritual Gifts
c. New Member Orientation
d. Basic Beliefs (Doctrines)
e. Witnessing via the Roman Road
f. Etc.
3. Lead each Church Member to Complete an Organization, Ministries and Church Functions Survey.
4. Lead each Church Member to Sign-up for
one or more Organization Jobs, Committees or Cloud Functions.
5. Schedule and assure Church Member needed courses are completed for each of their selected jobs, Committees and Functions.
6. Define their “Jerusalem” area. Build, print and display a wall-size map of their area in a prominent place.
7. Conduct a House by House Visitation Program. Visit and understand the needs of each individual and family and met those needs as much as possible. Follow-up.
8. Assure the spiritual status of every Community individual is known. Witness as appropriate and as opportunities arise.
9. Use every Organization and Church Member to assimilate everyone from the Community into a Bible believing Church.
10. Assure as many of the Cloud 28 +
Functions are assigned to trained and qualified personnel.
11. Expand the Church’s horizons beyond their
“Jerusalem” area by joining other Churches in performing “Judea” area outreach.
12. Continue performing and supporting local
and beyond Ministries and Missions as a part of your Church; and in support of Associations, State Conventions, North American Mission Board and International Missions.
The Cloud data System is designed primarily to allow each Organization to input their own data personally into the UNCARD™© database. The Cloud is also designed to interface with other Church databases such as ACS, and Awana’s. It is also designed to allow access and downloading data from National data centers, such as Lifeway, INFOUSA, and Database USA.
There is no attempt to share data between Organizations unless data in provided to another Organization and manually input – no electronic transfer.
Top level security is provided and so designated on the Cloud site.
The underlining principle behind the use of this Program for Church Associations is that every Association will:
1. Select a Lead Church to Network with all Associated Missions and Churches to perform each of the eight Functions contained in the Association Platform. Each Lead Network Church will coordinate with the Association Leader to enlist Missions and Churches to conduct the various eight functions more effectively and efficiently.
The underlining principle behind this Computer Program for each Higher Level of Education Organizations is to:
1. Use the Cloud Program Platform as the text book to conduct Class Room training to allow students to implement the Cloud at local Missions, Churches and Associations.
2. Coordinate with and enlist local Missions, Churches and Associations in their Higher Level of Education Organization’s immediate vicinity to let students help selected Missions, Churches and Associations implement the Cloud Program.
3. Provide Students that will initially fill all Administrator and Support Personnel positions, with the idea that Mission and Church personnel will be phased in as time progresses.
The underlining principle behind this Computer Program is for Christian Ministry Organizations to:
1. (Max: please fill in).
Cloud Organization Administrators, Staff Monitors, Function Administrators, Domains and Support Personnel.
1. Organization Administrator
2. Staff Monitors
3. Church Member Rolls Administrator
4. Accounting System Administrator
5. Guest and Prospect “UNCARD”™© Team
6. New Homeowner Administrator
7. Four Event Cards Administrator
8. Organizations, i.e. Sunday School, Small Groups, Student Ministries (SS/SG/SM) Administrator
a. Standard Full - i.e. Sunday School
b. Customized Full – i.e. Women’s Ministry
c. Customized Limited
9. Group Tagging Administrator
10. Church Member Ministry Team (Deacon or Lay) Administrator
11. Relationship and Encouragement Team Administrator
12. Ministries and Missions Team (10) “Jerusalem” Ministries and Missions “Judea”, “Samaria and “ To the Uttermost “Parts of the World”
13. Deacon Chairman)
14. Witness Team Administrator
15. Discipleship Team Administrator
16. Invest Team Administrator
17. Bible Distribution (In and out of Church) Administrator
18. Prayer Team Administrator
19. After School Ministries Administrator
20. Annual Church Profile Administrator
21. Define Your Church “Jerusalem” Area Administrator
22. Perform Your Seven “Jerusalem” Local Community,
“Judea” - Regional Exponential Engagement, “Samaria” - “Judea” - Regional Exponential Engagement, “Samaria” - the Earth” - International Missions Administrator
23. My Street Ministry Accountability Administrator
24. Visions, Goals, Tasks and to do Lists Administrator
25. Staff Monitor Functions, Progress and Statistics
26. Directory Team Administrator
27. Assimilation Administrator
28. Domains
a. Bible Learning Games for Life and Fun (Domain 1)
b. Cloud Activities Sign-up (Domain 2)
c. Cloud Training (Domain 3)
NOTE: Also, please click and read each of the information Buttons at the top of the CLOUD Home Page.